Englandland - EP1 Englandland
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Englandland EP1:
“So here’s where it started: sitting up late at night trying to contact a rock star who’d been massive in the ’60s but now had withdrawn from the public eye and wasn’t interested in being contacted. At least, not until he’d got something to release and then he might talk…
“The title track pretty much takes the story along on the chronological narrative as it occurred, with all the frustrations of cold-calling at international phone rates, purely on a hunch that something would come out of it!
“That was the first piece to come directly out of the written material I’d gathered in the course of the shelved art project and it set the scene for the work that was to come next..
“GoldenSyrups was also based on the world I’d re-discovered, as I delved into the newspaper archives, finding with a certain horrified fascination how much of my own past was still entwined within the pages of these defunct music papers. Where had all the years, musicians, clothes and haircuts gone? And yet…
“HedgeMagnets was more personal, if you like, less based on the previous narrative and more on the frustrations of being broke in London at a time and place when being in that situation was less-than-ideal…
“However, I wasn’t finished with the hunting-a-rock-star story quite yet…”
Englandland - EP1 Englandland